LonDen Scott is just one of the few Black women in the horse-riding industry who are trying to stake their claims in a male-dominated world. For her and other Black cowgirls, it feels like ...
If you’ve had some trouble finding women-led, Black-owned 4/20-friendly Instagram accounts to follow, then I’m going to need all of my weed heads to gather ’round for an important PSA.
That also means for the next two months, hunters will be in the field looking for black bears. Hunting usually runs in the fall — but black bear hunters know now is the time for the spring black ...
The three Lions uniforms are Honolulu Blue, white, and a black alternate with blue lettering. The Lions will have a couple of different pant options to use with their new jerseys. The Lions ...
Russia has been beefing up the defenses for its Black Sea Fleet naval base in Novorossiysk, the UK's defense ministry said in an intelligence dispatch on Thursday. The "maintenance, logistics and ...
Black garlic is aged raw garlic that turns black due to what's called the Maillard reaction. This is a chemical process between amino acids and reducing sugars. Regular, white garlic turns ...
Until recently, a large black hole formed from a collapsed star was able to avoid detection from the prying eyes of our powerful telescopes – despite lurking nearby Earth and being 33 times the ...
I get these apps mixed up because their logos all have white text on a black background. My brain can’t tell the apps apart at a glance. Once I noticed just how many app logos have white-on ...
The object is relatively close by, at least in black hole terms, sitting just 2,000 light years away. It is the largest black hole of its kind – a black hole formed from an exploding star ...
I am proud to be a librarian—and rare. Less than 7 percent of librarians in the U.S. are Black. For Black librarians like me, libraries also symbolize the literacy that was denied to so many of ...
Astronomers have found the most massive stellar black hole in our galaxy, thanks to the wobbling motion it induces on a companion star. This artist's impression shows the orbits of both the star ...
Monday marks Jackie Robinson Day, and 77 years after the Dodgers star broke the Major League Baseball color barrier and blazed a trail for Black players, coaches like Earnest Horton know the work ...