According to the Local Democracy Reporting Service, the rise in costs has been put down to an increase in building material ...
According to Pew Research, 57% of those aged between 18 to 24 in America are living with their parents, up from 53% in 1993.
How much does it cost to live the American Dream? More than most of us can afford, according to two recent studies.
It’s a moment many shoppers grapple with at some point during a grocery run: Why does a carton of brown eggs cost more than a ...
Putting America first means having a significant role in conflicts because its greatness has stemmed from the ordinary doing ...
Disney spent $100m more than recent estimates have suggested on making Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny according to the ...
Everyone agrees that the rent (or the mortgage) is too high, but the best ways to make it more affordable aren’t very popular ...
Rising prices mean Americans are grappling with higher costs of living, but what about the cost of dying? Here's what you can ...
President Biden says lowering the cost of insulin for seniors is among his proudest domestic policy achievements. He now ...
The NCAA and major college conferences are considering a possible settlement of an antitrust lawsuit that could cost them ...
Moms have a tendency to give their kids, well, everything. And that extends into adulthood. If you have kids of your own, how ...
It's going to cost more to live and work in Colorado once Democratic lawmakers finish their work at the Capitol this session.