Sociologist Derber pegs the current era as a""third corporate regime""--successor to the New Deal regime that succumbed to Reagan's... We must take up a ""positive populism"" to defend society ...
You may have encountered a "conversational narcissist." The term, coined by sociologist Charles Derber, describes a person who often dominates the conversation, with little regard for the ...
LATAM Airlines recently signed an agreement for C checks of three Boeing 787s with Amman, Jordan-based Joramco, headquartered ...
In Hollywood fanden die diesjährigen Oscars statt. Moderiert wurde das knapp dreieinhalbstündige Spektakel von Late-Night-Host Jimmy Kimmel, der wie gewohnt einen Scherz nach dem anderen ablieferte.
Die Polizei Buchloe bittet um Zeugenhinweise. Derber Vandalismus in Buchloe: BMW X5 von unbekanntem Täter mit Werkzeug ...