Many plants are named after the people who discovered them or famous people. Learn more about seven plant names that come ...
Img wp-post-image alt=Innovate Today for a Better Tomorrow project team in front of the HL green roof. From left to right: ...
In front of deciduous grasses and emerging perennials: After enjoying the straw tassels of Maiden Grass and Feather Reed Grass in winter, I usually cut back my deciduous grasses around February and ...
Yew domes, ornamental onion, Korean feather reed grass, and herbs embrace a tranquil terrace overlooking meadows of white-flowered quamash. Raised beds of herbaceous perennials cocoon an intimate ...
Royalty-free licenses let you pay once to use copyrighted images and video clips in personal and commercial projects on an ongoing basis without requiring additional payments each time you use that ...
Karl Foerster feather reed grass is a type of ornamental grass that has a stiff, upright growth habit. In the north, its foliage remains green into late fall, at which point it turns a golden-tan ...