A prospective cohort study by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) program, which collected data ...
EIGHTEEN different isoflavones are known to occur in plants either in the free state or as glycosides; 5 : 7-dihydroxy-4′-methoxyisoflavone (I) (biochanin-A) may be taken as a typical example.
It contains flavones, which are a class of antioxidants that reduce inflammation. This tea also contains apigen, which binds to certain receptors in the brain that increase sleepiness and reduce ...
Experts believe that cannabinoids work in concert with flavanoids and terpenes to enhance the therapeutic potential of the ...
A 2018 study in Andrology, found that 18 to 40-year-old men who consumed dietary flavones (a compound in food found in fruits, vegetables, tea and coffee) had a positive impact on improving ...
Researchers reviewed the impact of cinnamon, curcumin, and resveratrol on oxidative stress and inflammation in type 2 ...
Interestingly enough, this tea packs plenty of powerful antioxidants from a potent supply of polyphenols such as flavanols, ...
Japanese women not only enjoy low rates of osteoporosis, they are also very unlikely to experience many of the unpleasant symptoms that Western women do during the menopause. This is believed to ...
The food fortification market size is to be valued at US$ 106.7 billion by 2024. The market valuation is estimated to be US$ ...
Currently, Gael's PhD research focuses on how polymethoxy flavones can be used as tumour controlling agents. She focuses on the anticancer properties of chrysosplenetin and nobiletin, all important ...