When you are nervous you may rush your speech and suddenly a speech that was supposed to be three minutes long turns into one minute of gabble. Equally, live talks can take slightly longer than ...
THE auctioneer's "gabble" came out of mothballs at Hawes on Saturday for selling poultry after a ten month enforced break as Mr Raymond Lund returned to his usual patter to sell 331 items of ...
This is actually a mock-elegy and the subject is Burns himself. Ruisseaux is French for brooks, streams – or, burns, and is therefore a play on his surname.
They come across initially as a little shy and retiring but once the ice has broken they both, simultaneously, launch into gabble of excited chatter about friends, trampolining and their blatant ...
True, the relentless pace means some scenes are rushed through at a gabble. This show doesn’t have the singular vision and flair of Frecknall’s most recent hits, Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club an ...
We also see the converse, when they turn away from real events like a Cairo riot or a Government minister to gabble at the camera. I saw one of the best examples when I was invited by Nasa to an ...