The plug-in bug trap is only $17 on Amazon, which is quite the bargain compared to an exterminator. It starts working ...
From DIY hacks to gadgets and traps you can buy, here are some tricks to get rid of those pesky flying insects.
Fruit flies can be a real nuisance, especially in the summer months. But a storage expert has shared a simple way to get rid ...
Pour about an inch of apple cider vinegar into an empty jar with a metal lid. Punch four to five holes into the lid and screw ...
As parts of the UK are set to sizzle in 26C temperatures, pesky fruit flies will inevitably be on the prowl for leftover food ...
As the weather gets warmer, you might find your home becoming a hotspot for fruit flies. While these tiny insects may seem ...
If the pesky insects have been plaguing your home during the warmer weather, there's a simple trick that could help to banish ...
Flies are a common pest in the summer months and can be a nuisance to get rid of, but there is a natural way to keep them out ...
Fruit flies can be a real nuisance, especially in the summer months. But a storage expert has shared a simple way to get rid of the pests using two household items ...
AS much as we all love the weather finally warming up, the sunshine brings with it something slightly annoying – flies. The ...