The Great Barrier Reef’s fifth bleaching event in eight years shows no sign of prompting action from our political leaders.
These starfish can each munch over 100 square feet of coral every year, so culling them can help degrading reefs recover.
A recent study has shed light on a promising approach: targeted surveillance and culling of crown-of-thorns starfish (CoTS).
As the modern Great Barrier Reef emerged after the last ice age, it had to cope with multiple environmental stresses—rising ...
The coral reef is currently experiencing its worst mass bleaching event on record — warming waters brought on by climate ...
Scientists predict recent bleaching at Australia's Great Barrier Reef will be the worst on record, but skeptics online ...
Australia's famed Great Barrier Reef is suffering one of the most severe coral bleaching events on record, leaving scientists ...
Coral bleaching is evident across 73 percent of the famed marine park, as abnormally high ocean temperatures propel the world ...
“Studying marine conservation is hard. Marine ecosystems are degrading. Coral reefs are bleaching: by 2060, without ...
A woman has died following a snorkelling trip to the Great Barrier Reef, 60km north-east of Cairns. At 11.45am on Wednesday ...
Marine researcher ‘devastated’ by widespread event that is affecting coral species usually resistant to bleaching Concern that the Great Barrier Reef may be suffering the most severe mass ...
Australia's spectacular Great Barrier Reef is experiencing its worst bleaching event on record, the country's reef authority ...