This past summer, I replaced some of my deck boards. I had leftover cedar wood so I decided to build a bird feeder. Birds play an important role in maintaining balance within ecosystems.
Empty the bird feeder and properly discard the old seeds. Empty the bird feeder and properly discard the old seeds. Disassemble the feeder, if possible, and shake out any loose seed or debris.
Bird feeders can harbor bacteria and diseases if not properly cleaned on a regular basis. Having a bird feeder in your ...
If you ever watched a video of Piano Cat and wondered if your cat could learn to play, then [Sebastian Sokołowski] has a possible solution with this combination piano tutor and cat feeder.
watching feathered visitors chirp away as they eat from a bird feeder. No matter where you live, there are likely a variety of birds that are nearby (yes, even in cities), and you can attract them ...
This is a real sentence that has been uttered multiple times in my household. Blame the bird feeders — all three of them (plus a bird bath and a hummingbird feeder, of course). I didn’t mean ...
Micheal Ball (Officer smith)Kevy Foxx (Maya Wilson)Akeira Hamil (Mia Holly)Joseph Jenkins (Sean Deniro)Roosevelt Johnson (Nico Jones)Tamela Jones Keil Lamont (Photographer)Keymarie Mckinstry ...
He’s created a vending machine for bird feeding. While this is a classic and simple exercise for a microcontroller, [Stephen’s] design is all op amps and 555 timers. The feeder comes on when ...
Making a bird feeder will encourage birds to become regular visitors to your garden, especially during winter when food is scarce. This will make children aware of the changing seasons and what ...
Follow these easy steps and you'll have a bird feast in your back garden in no time! If you thought that was fun, the RSPB have more activities on their Kids website.