As the summer movie season gets ready to kick off in theaters, Hulu highlights some A-list stars in indie films for its May ...
And he had no idea. Now, over 20 years later, the reality star reflects on that traumatizing, inhumane experience in a ...
Blood Free is now streaming on Hulu and one of the series' stars is hoping that the drama can start a dialogue among fans.
In terms of comparing the major streaming services, it’s easy to think of Hulu as “the TV-focused one,” but that’s not entirely fair—the service also has a healthy number of movies at ...
"Blood In, Blood Out" debuts on Hulu, and Shea Serrano and actor Jess Borrego celebrate the streaming of the cult classic.
Be sure to catch Thank You For Smoking, L.A. Confidential, The Wrestler, Taken, Salt, Life of Pi, Scarface, and everything ...
Quentin Tarantino's second Oscar was due to this 2012 action-epic that's at long last climbing the Hulu movie streaming ...
Tomoaki “Nasubi” Hamatsu wanted to be a famous comedian. He wound up on a game show that humiliated him and almost led to a ...