2. Block multiple distinct IP addresses by adding a line to the IPTables configuration file for each IP address. For example, to block addresses and, type: iptables ...
Cybersecurity researchers from Black Lotus Labs recently observed a new infection campaign, targeting both enterprise-level ...
The newly discovered malware, which has so far mainly targeted Turkish telcos and has links to HiatusRat, infects routers and performs DNS and HTTP hijacking attacks on connections to private IP addre ...
inspect devices for rogue iptables or other abnormal files, and routinely reboot them. When establishing remote connections to high-value assets, it is advisable to use certificate pinning to ...
Malware platform roaming around enterprise SOHO routers capable of covertly harvesting public cloud authentication data from internet traffic.
Preview of the new Proxmox VE firewall In the future, a firewall based on nftables will replace the current implementation ...