In the village of Nikolskoye, Leningrad Oblast, of the terrorist country of the russian federation, a former participant in ...
To those of us who study global hunger issues, the situations in Gaza, Sudan, Haiti and a host of other countries reflect a growing trend in which severe crises – often, but not only, related to ...
The Soviet Union began regular broadcasting from the television center in 1934 and, by that time, the first serial TV sets ...
Undigested severe childhood trauma may create adult bullies. Is it a surprise when Putin crushes political opponents through ...
Finland and its Nordic neighbor Sweden have expanded the NATO alliance to 32 members. In response, last month Russian Defense ...
In a speech, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko discussed the nuclear arsenal Russia recently deployed to Belarus.
How 18th-century medicine helped save besieged Leningrad In those difficult times of war, when there was a shortage of ...
W hen the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts, it will annihilate all life on the North American continent. Siberia will become one of the safest places on Earth—which is yet another reason “the ...
Central Asia will host the "Birlestik-2024" exercises, a pivotal occurrence for Russia. However, the twist in the story is ...
By Andrea Figueras Russia's X5 Retail Group said it has acquired the Nice Ice ready-to-eat food business in the Leningrad region after it obtained ...
During World War II, the Soviet Union was relatively limited in terms of its naval power. In fact, the Red Army relied mainly ...
Even as the 38th anniversary of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster has come and gone, the nuclear threat posed by Moscow ...