Sunday’s announcement that the PPP’s 32nd Congress had taken a decision to erase Marxism-Leninism and Socialism from its Constitution is epochal in ...
In response to the protests at universities and growing anti-Semitism today, the Prime Minister called a roundtable meeting ...
ROGER McKENZIE sees at first hand the progress made by China towards an economic template that offers hope to the many not ...
The region, a stronghold of Hindu nationalism since the 1960s, has been Modi’s fortress. But the BJP seems less sure of success this year.
Editor: In response to Mike Gonzalez of the Heritage Foundation (“The Marxist takeover of higher education reaches a fever pitch,” published in the May 4 Miner e-edition), Mr. Gonzalez suggests ...
The anti-Israel demonstrations sweeping American college campuses share similar traits to Mao's Cultural Revolution and the ...
This is the text of the speech given by Andrei Ritsky, a representative of the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists in Russia, at the International May Day 2024 Online Rally.
Bharrat Jagdeo on Sunday said Marxism-Leninism and socialism were removed from that political organisation’s constitution ...
General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Bharrat Jagdeo on Sunday said Marxism-Leninism and socialism were removed from that political organisation’s constitution because the Cold ...
The FBI should look into the groups participating in, and funding, pro-Hamas disturbances at universities across the country.
Beams pointed to the roots of the pseudo-left in tendencies that broke from the Trotskyist movement and rejected the revolutionary role of the working class.
The fact that many of these scholars were Jewish contributes to arguments that opposition to cultural Marxism is antisemitic, ...