The turkey body sizes had to be representative of the wild birds actually taken by U.S. hunters. So we used live domestic tom turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) that weighed 24 pounds on average. We used ...
Rainfall has deprived us of the warmth and light of the sun, but a lack of frost has meant a prolonged period of early flowers ...
We undoubtedly see these animals more often on our plates than in nature. Domestic turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo domestica) were tamed and bred for their meat rather than their intelligence.
The two men were baffled and angry about what they were witnessing. Over the past fortnight, millions of Stomolophus meleagris, better known as cannonball jellyfish, have appeared in Venezuelan ...
Fisherman Kevin Bolivar shows a cannonball jellyfish (Stomolophus meleagris) off the coast of Chuao. Image Credit: AFP The gelatinous creatures, which do not have a heart, brain or complex organs ...
One of the most notable varieties, the Fritillaria meleagris (also known as the snake’s head fritillary, chess flower, or ...
The month of May is a beautiful time of the year because it feels like Mother Nature is getting motivated for the growing season. Trees are flowering. Birds are singing and building their nests. It’s ...
21(4):557-565. de Boef M. 2008. Signatures of Flight and Running in bone microstructure: An experimental study in helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris) and applications in the study of the ...