Rutan, known for smooth flying style, survived having to eject twice from planes and being stranded at north pole ...
I strolled into the sea of superheroes, of Jedi warriors and Ghostbusters, pink-haired pixies and ax-wielding goblins, or at ...
In an intimate new documentary, two Los Angeles teens in foster care tackle the typical challenges of adolescence, while ...
Sixteen Candles is celebrating 40 years, which makes it the perfect time to look back on the problematic classic film.
Consistent adherence to physical activity guidelines throughout middle-age is associated with a higher health-related quality ...
Researchers said women should increase their activity levels to meet World Health Organisation guidelines on physical ...
Consistent adherence to physical activity guidelines throughout middle-age is associated with a higher health-related quality of life in women, according to a new study.
As someone who started marathon running in midlife, I know how many aches and pains (and doubts) you can have if you take on ...
“Hey everyone, middle-aged white woman Karen Rontowski here to apologize: I just recently found out women my age are the ...
Anne Hathaway has been sober for more than five years, making good on a promise to stay dry while parenting her young sons.
The dangerous heart rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation is becoming more common in middle-aged people, a new study ...
Worcestershire have announced the death of 20-year-old spin bowler Josh Baker, and paid a moving tribute to the young ...