The Montoneros were the most important guerrilla movement in Argentina’s history. Two main differences from traditional Marxist guerrillas were that Montoneros never asked for collective property, and ...
Ana, a former guerrilla member, tells her history, remembering her days in the subversive organization called "Montoneros" in Argentina and the terrible days she endured in the hands of the military.
As a lawyer, Villarruel has long pressed for the reopening of the statute-barred crimes of Montoneros and ERP, in order for which they would have to be deemed crimes against humanity.
Libertarian Congresswoman and vice-presidential candidate Victoria Villarruel Monday paid a tribute to the victims of acts of terrorism committed by guerrilla groups such as Montoneros and ERP in ...
The video will allegedly include an interview with Luis Labraña, a former member of the Montoneros Peronist organization, who has claimed he “made up” the 30,000 number. Some journalists have ...
It is no coincidence that President [Raúl] Alfonsín ordered to send the dictators to trial, but also the leadership of the [guerrilla movement] Montoneros. Q. The trials against the repressors ...