World renowned philosopher Daniel Dennett, who championed controversial takes on consciousness and free will among other mind ...
Racking my brain to think of what exposure I’ve had to the concept of asexuality, I can come up with two examples: the personal life section of Janeane Garofalo’s Wikipedia page, and an interview with ...
If Darwin was right, the naturalists can t even have confidence in believing naturalism is true Or anything else for that ...
“Spirituality, naturalism, alternative health practices and anti-vaccine sentiments all have something in common: their ...
Ethical naturalism is narrowly construed as the doctrine that there are moral properties and facts, at least some of which are natural properties and facts. Perhaps owing to its having faced, early on ...
The Arnolfini Portrait, a main attraction at London's National Gallery, has received a new frame intended to reshape how ...
The first step in living a good life, characterized by justice and love, is to acknowledge one’s sins and be reconciled to ...
[Andrew]’s research is in ‘digital naturalism’ at the National University of Singapore and blends biological fieldwork with DIY crafting. The focus of this conference will be workshops where ...
If Rankin doesn’t sound good in the number, nor later in “Mein Herr,” interpolated from the 1972 film, she’s not trying to.
Much of the film’s unique charm is owed to the naturalism that Périn and Laurent Sarfati’s busy script demands from its ...