Point of no return~ I
Ours is a time of revolutionary change that has no precedent in history. The planet Earth, a majestic 4.54 billion years old, ...
The boreal forests form a single biome that spans the entire Northern Hemisphere ... system by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Increasing forest fires, in the wake of climate ...
Sea levels not only continue to rise, but are rising far more rapidly than earlier, and at the highest rates recorded so far.
The boreal forests form a single biome that spans the entire Northern Hemisphere ... system by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Increasing forest fires, in the wake of climate ...
The boreal forests form a single biome that spans the entire Northern Hemisphere ... system by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Increasing forest fires, in the wake of climate ...
A red-golden carpet is unfurling across the more temperate corners of our continent. Here’s how trees know what season it is.
We’ve known intuitively and specifically for centuries, that vigorously growing forests exchange more CO2 than slowing ...
At the end of the southern hemisphere ... stop carbon dioxide emissions” that are driving climate change, Obura said. In­creas­ing tem­per­a­tures, dy­ing coral reefs and wild­fire ...
The researchers compiled many past estimates of greenhouse gas flux in various sections of the northern permafrost region to reveal how the entire area is responding to climate change. They found that ...
As wildfires in Siberia become more common, global climate modeling estimates significant impacts on climate, air quality, health, and economies in East Asia and across the northern hemisphere.
As wildfires in Siberia become more common, global climate modeling estimates significant impacts on climate, air quality, ...