But not all ticks warrant the description USDA offers for the Asian longhorned tick – “invasive pests that pose a serious ...
While the vast majority of bulbs are meant for sunny locations, some are excellent candidates for the shade garden. Walking ...
The species, Dinocephalosaurus orientalis, swam the seas during the Triassic period, and the fossil itself dates back 240 ...
The hyacinth flower (Hyacinthus orientalis) is a cheery perennial known for its colorful blooms and strong fragrance. Often they are used outdoors as border plants, but they can bring a lot of color ...
The Earth is the library of mankind. For centuries, an obsessive, inquisitive and courageous tribe has been trying to ...
The simple answer to all of the above, strange as it may sound, is that pinching out, pruning, and cutting back are all tried ...
Our guide to the best anti-aging eye creams will help you to rejuvenate the skin around your eyes and reduce the signs of ...
As a species, leopards are adaptable and built to endure – we should be giving them the best chance of doing so ...
Elusive leopard. The Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) is a subspecies that pads through the temperate forests of northeastern China and far eastern Russia. Once, they were hunted ...
Boats and water hyacinths aren’t the only ones floating in the Philippines’ Laguna Lake. In some areas of Los Baños and Bay, small-scale floating solar photovoltaic (FPV) installations can be… ...
Plant of the week Helleborus orientalis ‘Sugar Plum’ is a very pretty hellebore flowering in early spring. The single flowers are held on strong stems, up to five to a stem, and face outwards ...