Oncorhynchus rastrosus also sported a formidable pair of front teeth that projected out from the sides of their mouths like ...
For years, paleontologists thought this ancient salmon was like a saber-toothed cat, but now facial reconstruction offers a ...
Salmon have a set of teeth that are well-adapted to their diet and lifestyle, primarily suited for grabbing and holding onto ...
The species that grew up to nine-feet long lived in the North American Pacific North West millions of years, and was said to ...
A giant, tusked salmon was once thought to resemble a fish version of a saber-toothed tiger. But turns out, it looked more ...
Between 5 million and 12 million years ago, enormous salmon swam through the waters of what is now the Pacific Northwest.
AN ENORMOUS salmon species that swam as far back as 15 million years ago had giant tusk-like teeth. The so-called ...
The largest salmon species ever discovered, Oncorhynchus rastrosus may have used its distinctive, tusk-like teeth to compete ...
Scientists initially thought that the outsized teeth were fangs, giving rise to the ‘sabre-toothed salmon’ nickname.
The researchers believe that the salmon’s enormous size meant it was a filter feeder. Many of the world’s largest living fish are also filter feeders, with animals like the whale shark using their ...
If a giant prehistoric salmon isn't scary enough for you, how about one with warthog-like tusks? According to a new study, ...
Oncorhynchus rastrosus, a giant species of salmon that lived in the North American Pacific Northwest a few million years ago, ...