This site provides access to the ontologies the BBC is using to support its audience facing applications such as BBC Sport, BBC Education, BBC Music, News projects and more. These ontologies form ...
Towards a holistic semantic support for context-aware network monitoring. Computing, Vol. 102, Issue. 12, p. 2565. Practical Ontologies for Information Professionals provides an accessible ...
The data layer establishes a foundation for real-time data integration across organizations using ontologies and OriginTrail ...
3c. Ontologies for the modeling of fictional entities, including contributions addressing topics related to the identity of fictional entities across multiple literary texts; 3d. Ontologies for the ...
Understand if it's time to move on by evaluating solution fit, looking into your vendor's plans and exploring the competitive ...
Care has been taken to try and ensure interoperability with more general ontologies in use. In particular it draws heavily upon the events ontology. During the development of the Sport Ontology ...
They are prolific breeders, raising a dozen or more young per year in times of plenty, as happy and quick to set up house ...
Indeed, efforts to standardize data and to create ontologies in areas such as light microscopy and proteomics are progressing all too slowly. How then can we ensure that researchers record the ...
To some extent, the world has always been globalized. However, contemporary technology has made us more interconnected than ...
Data is at the heart of AI. Without good data, the odds of developing useful AI models are somewhere between slim and none.
A new request for information issued by the Department of Commerce asks for expert commentary on how the agency can better ...