Bird flu is in our milk supply but the pasteurization, which is a fancy word for heating the milk, kills the virus. You can detect the virus but it's these not-alive, nonviable remnants," Dr. Todd ...
Some pasteurized milk samples turned up noninfectious fragments of the bird flu virus. But what does that say about raw milk, ...
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Officials from several government agencies said today that tests for the presence of remnants of high path avian influenza (HPAI) in milk and dairy products show that pasteurization inactivates the ...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is testing infant formula, cottage cheese and sour cream after diary cows in ...
With little incentive for US farmers to test their cattle, and many undocumented laborers on dairy farms, the full scale of the outbreak is unclear.
The CDC urged dairy workers to wear protective equipment when working near cows after a farm worker in Texas developed a ...