The devices are designed to test for common date-rape drugs, often called roofies. The term roofie refers to a dose of ...
Sleep is the salve that kick-starts our every day. Without the right quota we stumble through, ragged and depleted. But ...
Letter writers oppose using punitive measures to deal with drug addiction, urge investment in affordable housing, and explain ...
Xylazine, a powerful sedative making its way into the drug supply, causes severe skin wounds prone to infection.
It's well-known that the ancient Maya had their own version of ball games, which were played with a rubber ball on stone courts. Such games served not just as athletic events but also religious ones ...
A tranquilizer called xylazine is increasingly being found in the US illegal drug supply and linked to overdose deaths, ...
The drug, which was already used as an opioid adulterant in the US and Canada and which significantly increases the risk of ...
The document described the drugs as marketed for wildlife, as painkillers, a sedative and an immobilizer. The Colorado Bureau ...
The Drug Enforcement Agency has issued another warning about the growing prevalence of a veterinary sedative in illicit ...
Kentucky has become the first state to decriminalize medical errors -- a move many medical associations support.
We spoke to experts, researched dozens of popular supplements on the market, and combed through user reviews to find the ones ...
Midazolam, or Versed, has been the sedative of choice for at least five years for Aurora Fire paramedics. But rapid decline ...