Get rid of Japanese beetles and curb unsightly plant damage using everything from insecticides, beetle-fighting bacteria or a ...
Q:  Japanese beetles have been ravaging my yard. I heard Milky Spore can be a natural way to treat them. Is that right? A: ...
Like its name suggests, the Japanese Beetle originated in Japan, but was brought to the U.S. more than a century ago, the Clemson Cooperative Extension states. The insect is about half an inch ...
Simply squishing a Japanese beetle to death could release pheromones that will attract more of them. However, pheromone traps could help protect your plants if they are placed away from the garden ...
Simply squishing a Japanese beetle could release pheromones that will attract more of them. However, pheromone traps could work if they are placed away from the garden, such as near a telephone pole ...
It's also time when they start planning how to combat their arch nemesis — the Japanese beetle. The invasive insect has been on P.E.I. since 2009, but last summer they seemed particularly ...
Simply squishing a Japanese beetle could release pheromones that will attract more of them. However, pheromone traps could work if they are placed away from the garden, such as near a telephone ...
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) - Mesa County officials giving an update on the invasive Japanese Beetles and their efforts to eradicate the bug. The county is currently in the process of spraying ...
Simply squishing a Japanese beetle could release pheromones that will attract more of them. However, pheromone traps could work if they are placed away from the garden, such as near a telephone pole ...