And given that Uber received 9,805 reports of sexual assault in its rides from 2017 to 2020, according to its most recent ...
Using connected safety can ensure compliance with OSHA’s latest ... centers are abundant and wide-ranging. Some commonly seen risks center around forklift accidents and injuries; the often ...
Here are home safety changes you can make as an older adult Highways submerged, airport shut down following flooding that killed at least one person in Dubai Windows fell out of King’s plane mid ...
With distracted driving and pedestrian fatalities on the rise, auto industry regulators believe technology can prevent hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries each year.
IT’S AN ONGOING CONVERSATION ABOUT PERSONAL SAFETY THAT STARTS WITH BUILDING ... relationships with an adult at camp that can sometimes result in abuse right at the moment, but more often ...
One of the primary safety concerns on construction sites is the risk of trips and falls. Loose materials and debris scattered around the site can significantly increase the likelihood of such ...
But can people see UV? The colors of the rainbow are all around us, but so are hues that most of us can't see, including ultraviolet — a wavelength that eludes many humans but, surprisingly ...
These edge devices can include mobile phones, laptops, data centers, company offices, home routers, and all manner of emerging applications that will become more commonplace as more users make up ...
This one should have been in your microwaving 101 class, but it deserves a spot on this list. If you use metal or foil in the microwave, it can create a spark. That tiny spark can start a fire or ...
Travelling at speeds of up to 320 km/h (200 mph), these trains offer a smooth and comfortable ride ... is at the forefront of robotics, and you can find robot-themed restaurants and cafes where ...