Soaring temperatures cause excessive sweating that gives rise to various infections of the intimate areas. To keep these summer-related infections at bay, we sp ...
However, if your skin is even toned and there isn’t really any discoloration, this is a sign that your skin is aging in the ...
"The most common infections caused or exacerbated by non-breathable underwear are yeast infections (such as thrush), ...
The main culprits behind postoperative infections could be the bacteria already present on the patient's skin, according to a study conducted at the University of Washington in Seattle and published ...
Team Vampire may have a new member after a group of researchers found some bacteria have a “thirst for human blood,” ...
On bad days it feels like my feet have been cut open with a rusty razor blade, flaming lava has been put in, and I’ve had ...
Nagpur: Skin specialists from Vidarbha who were in the city on Sunday for a conference organized by Vidarbha Dermatological Society (VDS) highlighted .
The risks of undergoing a “Brazilian butt lift” in Florida are well documented, with dozens of deaths due to surgeries where ...
Pus may develop under the nail or skin, which may leak out of the wound. The drainage is usually a white-yellow color. Common symptoms and signs of deep space infections include pain when moving ...
You may think you're getting serious value from makeup products that go the distance but you must pay attention to expiry ...
Researchers at UVM Medical Center have linked a 900% increase in bloodstream infections in mostly homeless patients to ...
Daily showers aren’t necessary and may not have any health benefits, according to some experts. Proponents of less frequent showers claim that most people take them every day — or multiple times a day ...