The tombs were destroyed in the 1920s when the Saud family took control over Islam's holy cities, Makkah and Medina, from the ...
Some communities with religious origins now offer spiritual programming as just one of many enticements, like the bingo ...
Peace remains an elusive dream in Afghanistan as a team of three armed men stormed into a mosque belonging to the minority Shia community and decided to mow down at least six civilians, injuring ...
2:256) and spread their faith more by example than by coercion. In the Silk Road context, a good example of this process are the Sufis, devotees committed to spiritual life and unity among traditions, ...
Chanting and clapping as they dance to the haunting rhythm of drums, the inhabitants of Harar, a fortified Ethiopian city seemingly frozen in time, celebrate the festival of Shuwalid, keeping ...
From architecture to kingship, a brief history of Islam's arrival in India and its synthesis with indigenous ideals and ways of life ...
In that encounter Abedi was showing early signs of the religious intolerance that would propel him into killing innocents.
Like bhakti poets, Sufis (many of them poets as well) spoke of their direct experience of god and the need to get beyond just formal religious observance to a true and immediate religious engagement.
ISLAMABAD, May 2 (APP): Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA) would organize “Sham-e-Musiki” -folk and Sufi musical ...
There were other enduring contributions too, of this age and milieu, outside the courtly realm. A major influence in the ...
They remind me that history and armies mean little when the veil is lifted, the powerful lose their money, lose their tanks, and stand bewildered on the side of a hill, burning, as the Sufis say ...