The Clifton Suspension Bridge is the most famous landmark in Bristol – but is it too famous? Atop the Avon Gorge sits one ...
A historic international suspension bridge, which hasn't been used for decades and links the South Texas town of Roma with ...
The world's tallest ships will be able to pass under the future Messina Straits Bridge, the CEO of the Stretto di Messina ...
Prior to the launch of this outstanding infrastructure, Japan was home to the world's longest suspension bridge.
By connecting Sicily to Italy, a population of 59 million will suddenly have access to a historic and stunningly beautiful ...
Work to replace the deteriorating road deck on the Vincent Thomas Bridge in San Pedro is set to begin in fall of 2025.
A draft environmental analysis released this month shows the most significant impact of the work will be traffic and ...
The royal family was hit with devastating news that the King was diagnosed with cancer following a January 2024 surgery for ...
A stunning $5m coastal suspension bridge in Adelaide’s south has nearly finished construction, with council saying the ...
McALLEN, Texas (Border Report) — A historic international suspension bridge that hasn’t been used for decades has gotten federal and state funding for renovations so it can once again ...