Bruno Barberis (Self)Russ Breault (Self)Robert Bucklin (Self)Thomas D'Muhala (Self)Mark Guscin (Self)Gary Habermas (Self)Moyer Hubbard (Self)Gilbert R. Lavoie (Self)Alexander F. Metherell (Self ...
But how does the doctrine of Christ s resurrection compare with other religious and philosophical options about the afterlife ...
Some 80 years have passed since the Scopes Monkey Trial sparked a heated battle on teaching creation and evolution side-by-side in public schools. The debate is still running, but according to some ...
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Chris Christensen described case method teaching as "the art of managing uncertainty"—a process in which the instructor serves as "planner, host, moderator, devil's advocate, fellow-student, and judge ...
Christus op de koude steen. Christus zittend op een bankje, doornenkroon op het hoofd. Links een brandende kaars. Kopie naar de bespotting van Christus door Honthorst uit ca. 1614 in het Gettymuseum ...
My wife and I were in our usual light-hearted playful mode discussing this: “In classic literature are lead characters usually depicted as being able to change in good ways … or not?” ...
While the “faith-based film” has evolved over the years, there’s one tried-and-true formula this particular type of movie can’t quit: an improbable story about a sick child in a perilous ...