These two types of tiny, beautiful birds are a treat to watch if you can lure them to your backyard feeders. Thistle seed, ...
we used black oil sunflower seed (a popular choice with most birds), but we put small Nyjer seeds in the two thistle feeders. While filling them, we looked at whether it was easy to pour seed ...
As mentioned in the comments of the above TikTok, some of the items dispersed by birds that can flourish in your garden include sunflower, thistle, and safflower seeds. Still, you should be wary that ...
One of the best things about backyard birdwatching is that feathered friends come without costly veterinarian bills, and ...
be sure to provide a variety of seeds if you want to see a variety of birds. Finches like those special feeders that are filled with thistle. So, if you want more varieties of birds, provide a ...
Another way to shrink your weed seed bank is to create more suitable habitats for the birds, insects and earthworms that eat ...
The American regularly visits seed feeders, particularly in the east ... when it flocks to roadsides and brushy fields to feed on thistle and sunflowers. It is often heard in flight, giving ...
The thistle belongs to a group of flowering plants ... different varieties provide nectar for pollinating bees and butterflies, seeds for birds, foliage for butterfly larvae, and down for birds ...
Eighteen months ago, I covered a large portion of my backyard with the seeds of white clover (Trifolium repens), also known ...
the bird has been sighted 140,031 times. A graceful, slender-tailed, small-headed dove that’s common across the continent. Mourning Doves perch on telephone wires and forage for seeds on the ...
My children mock me, but Hello Kitty stickers still adorn my laptop and birthday cards, as evocative to me as a tube of Bonne ...