The N.C. Brown Center for Ultrastructure Studies in Baker Laboratory provides instruction and assistance in light microscopy methods, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, ...
Using advanced microscopic techniques, they then established the structure of these cysts. "We were much surprised by the ultrastructure of the cysts," says paleontologist Wilson Taylor from the ...
The result is a landmark capacity of nanoscale optical imaging deep into tissue—visualizing 3D ultrastructure of the brain circuitry and plaque-forming amyloid beta fibrils in healthy and ...
Working in collaboration with Zhao's lab, Ren's team developed and delivered lung organoid models with specific defects in cilia ultrastructure and function to validate the ability of Magnify to ...
The tegument of adult Saccocoelioides godoyi Kohn & Froes, 1986 (Digenea: Haploporidae), specimens of which were collected from the intestine of the freshwater fish, Leporinus friderici (Bloch, 1794) ...
Natural History Museum, Department of Zoology, University of Oslo, PO Box 1172, Blindern, NO-0318 Oslo, Norway ...
the real-time analysis of macromolecular interactions and motions at the nanometer scale in vivo and the three-dimensional architecture of complex molecular machines and of subcellular ultrastructure, ...
Hence, unlike for other organelles, ultrastructure does not favour endosymbiotic origins 3. Neither reductive evolution nor endosymbiosis explains nuclear origins. The former, however, explains ...
How can the soft bodies of coleoid cephalopods so aptly hide in their environment? Why must they? What cells and specialized organs make such crypsis possible for one of the older evolutionary ...
the real-time analysis of macromolecular interactions and motions at the nanometer scale in vivo and the three-dimensional architecture of complex molecular machines and of subcellular ultrastructure, ...
3D Serial Block Face Scanning Electron Microscopy Imaging Unique quality of the alignment allowing a perfect 3D visualisation 3View allows automated acquisition of 3D ultrastructure by sequentially ...