"Stop playing with this cat," she said. "He might start a fire." But I was thinking abstractedly. Is nature a gigantic cat? If so, who strokes its back? It can only be God, I concluded. Here I was ...
A radical departure from the design of previous, Simogo look to have crafted something defying easy explanation and is all ...
Mrs. Ellis followed her suggestion obediently. “See here, girls,” she said, looking abstractedly at Colonel Parminter: “the town of Ely, in England, is said to be so named from the rents ...
It’s not a linear narrative but a dream and a nightmare all at once, with Studio Ghibli’s favoured themes strung abstractedly throughout: a post-war world forged in fire and cultivated with a ...
Combining the exotic with the erotic, the young coiffured woman with bared breast abstractedly fondles the Scarlet Macaw on her arm. Meanwhile, the bird gazes at the viewer with a knowing eye.