Struggling to shed extra pounds is a common challenge. Puravive claims to melt stubborn fat by using tropical nutrients ...
Research definitively confirms that muscle-moving, calorie-burning activity slows the advance of disease, improves cognitive ...
Researchers explored the associations between abdominal fat depots and cognition and brain volume, as well as whether sex influences this association.
A mitochondrial transcription inhibitor (IMT) shifted metabolism in high-fat diet mice toward fatty acid oxidation, leading ...
Adipose tissue is responsible for the many negative effects that obesity and overweight have on our metabolic health. However, there are two types of fat: the more common white one, in which excess ...
A new term is intended to limit negative connotations, but some experts consider it imprecise and difficult to interpret.
Genetically depleting AC3-AT protected mice from obesity as they were better able to burn calories and increased their metabolic rates through activating brown fat.
Researchers have made significant discoveries about brown adipose tissue (BAT), which is known for its calorie-burning capabilities.
Researchers have found a protein that is responsible for turning off brown fat activity. This new discovery could lead to a promising strategy for safely activating brown fat and tackling obesity and ...
Brown fat, also known as brown adipose tissue (BAT), is a type of fat in our bodies that's different from the white fat around our belly and thighs that we are more familiar with.
Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Pharmacy School, Universidad de Granada, Campus de Cartuja s/n, 18071 Granada, Spain Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria (ibs.GRANADA), Avda.