Chemists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have invented a more efficient way to extract lithium ...
"Humid kitchen? Charcoal will soak it right up!" Or will it? We investigate the truth behind the charcoal hack for keeping ...
Scientists discovered that aluminum hydroxide can adsorb five times more lithium than can be collected using previously ...
New research shows that innovative carbon beads — which are capable of absorbing harmful bacteria and toxins — could improve ...
The effects of microplastics on humans and other species are still being researched, and there is uncertainty about the ...
Tiny ingestible carbon beads could help fight liver disease and keep our guts healthy, a new study has revealed. The newly ...
Scientists design a sustainable 3D hydrogel with the ability to adsorb and degrade large amounts of microplastics ...
Innovative carbon beads, invented by researchers at UCL, reduce bad bacteria and inflammation in animal models, which are ...
Researchers from Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have designed a sustainable hydrogel to remove tiny plastic particles ...
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have designed a sustainable hydrogel to remove microplastics from water ...
Innovative carbon beads reduce bad bacteria and inflammation in animal models, which are linked to liver cirrhosis and other serious health issues.
The team has applied for a patent for the invention.