Imam Jafar al Sadiq (AS), the sixth successor after the Holy Prophet (PBUH), had a critical role in developing Islamic ...
This analysis of JNIM was published in 2018 and is not being updated. For a more recent analysis of JNIM from the Transnational Threats Project, please click here. JNIM, whose name means the “Group ...
Pro-Palestinian protesters in Vancouver, Canada on Friday cheered the October 7 attack on Israel during a speech by Charlotte ...
The Jewish state should be recognized as the manifestation of the divine promise to return the nation of Israel to its land, ...
Over the past year the federal government’s global religious freedom watchdog has noticed an increase in religious ...
The Burkina Faso military summarily executed at least 223 civilians, including 56 children, in two villages on February 25, 2024.
Below the towering minar is a mosque, Quwwatt-al-Islam ("Might of Islam"), also built in the early 12th century and constructed using pieces of more than 20 destroyed Hindu and Jain temples.
“It is a symbol of the Ottoman occupation of Europe, and an expression of dar-al-Islam,” explains Pap, using the Arabic term that refers to a region under Muslim rule and where Islamic law prevail ...
According to Human Rights Watch, over 200 civilians were killed at the end of February in the north of the country. It was ...
The groups include ISIS-Sahel and Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam Wal-Musliminim, more commonly known as JNIM, a radical Islamist organization operating in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. A reduction in ...
All Muslims are expected to fulfill five major duties, the pillars of Islam, or Arkan al-Islam. The pillars include shahada, profession of Muslim faith; salat, ritual prayer performed five times a ...