Here’s our weekly round-up of what illnesses are spreading the most in Metro Detroit communities, according to our local ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) -People seeking relief from sniffling and sneezing this allergy season are paying a lot more than they ...
If you’ve ever noticed itchiness after stopping an allergy medication, you might be surprised to hear that it could be a ...
Take an over-the-counter medication You may have to combine drugs for maximum effectiveness like using a nasal spray in ...
Even if you never had a problem growing up with allergies, Dr. James Tarbox, an allergist and Texas Tech physician, says it ...
If you're suffering from seasonal allergies right now, doctors say medication for other conditions, such as asthma or eczema, ...
When you turn up the temperatures on plants, especially in a controlled setting like a greenhouse, or you increase carbon ...
NOTICING THAT YOUR face looks a little puffy or outright swollen can be a shocking sight. Usually, facial swelling isn’t ...
If you’ve sensed that your allergies are getting worse each year, it’s not your imagination: Allergy season in the U.S. is ...
Tree pollen levels are very high, and will stay that way all week. That's creating a big challenge for a lot of people. Dr.
Contrary to popular belief, pollen from flowers isn’t the leading cause of seasonal allergies and you can’t escape pollen ...