According to Molecules, cherry pits contain amygdalin, a naturally occurring compound that our bodies convert into hydrogen cyanide, a dangerous toxin. When ingested or inhaled in large amounts, ...
Processing eliminates the danger, but let’s leave that to the professionals. Apricot kernels have a bitter bite and a hidden ...
Elderberries: Raw elderberries contain cyanogenic glycosides, which can cause cyanide poisoning if ingested in large amounts.
Like the previously listed items, these products, which were sold nationally, are also being recalled due for containing excessive amygdalin which may cause acute cyanide poisoning. Wah Yan Tong ...
Amygdalin, ein besonders in bitteren Mandeln, aber auch in den Kernen vieler Steinobstarten sowie von Äpfeln vorkommenes Glykosid, das durch verdünnte Salzsäure (Magensaft) in Glucose, Benzaldehyd und ...
Es handelt sich dabei um einen Inhaltsstoff, der in der Fachsprache Amygdalin genannt wird. Diese Substanz enthält Blausäure in gebundener Form und dient einigen Pflanzen als Schutzstoff gegen ...
Apple cores, or more specifically, the seeds, contain amygdalin, a cyanide-and-sugar based molecule that is converted into hydrogen cyanide – a highly poisonous substance – by the digestive ...
Laetril, Amygdalin und Vitamin B17 Laetril ist eine halbsynthetische Variante von Amygdalin, jenem Pflanzenstoff, der in relevanten Mengen in bitteren Mandelkernen oder auch in bitteren ...
It is up to you whether you eat the core of your apple - though some people choose not to, fearing it may be poisonous. That's only partly true, says Germany's Centre for Nutrition (BZfE).
Droge: die reifen Samen. Inh.: Cholin, Herniarin und weitere Cumaringlykoside sowie Amygdalin. Anw.: in der Likörindustrie zur Herstellung von Cherry Brandy. Hom ...