Affirmative action as it is practiced today is morally wrong and often constructed and defended upon flawed assumptions. I recognize that I could probably fill 30 pages writing on this topic and ...
Monday marks the 20th anniversary of Friends' series finale, but for the first time, an anniversary related to the iconic ...
When astronomers answer the question—typically in the affirmative—they are playing a numbers game. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies, each bearing hundreds of billions of stars and ...
An answer in the affirmative will require schools to go through the tollbooth for permission and training. Ironically, it ...
Affirmative action policies address historical and current ... If appropriate, Human Resources will start a formal review or investigation by requesting the respondent(s) answer the allegation(s) made ...
The Center for Applied Ethics cosponsored a symposium entitled "The Ethics of Affirmative Action" on April 21 ... that was animated by the doctrine of seperate but equal. . .the answer is. . .that ...
It’s OK to make the left turns into Wells Fargo and City Market if you can answer in the affirmative: “Is it safe?” Whether it’s a safe turn might change depending on time of day and ...
One needs to experience Ratan Thiyam’s Kanupriya to find an answer in the affirmative. If scenography has a distinctly Indian expression, this latest work from Chorus Repertory Theatre demonstrates ...
Prospective jurors were told to raise their numbered jury cards to answer in the affirmative. Asked whether they’d heard about the case, some 70 people in the pool raised their hands ...
The answer to the troubles in this country, as it has always been, rests with the willingness of everyday people to fight for ...
POLITICO asked political consultants whether ending affirmative action in higher ed will resonate with voters the same way the end of Roe v. Wade fueled the 2022 election. The general answer is ...