The essays in this volume provide the first comprehensive study of aporetic methodology among numerous major figures and influential schools, including the Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch, ...
I make this aporetic remark only in that most people do not know of Edward Durell Stone, only to hate Edward Durell Stone. And maybe that is of good riddance. Oh, and by the way, he designed the ...
Hence, the complicated cultural background of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth makes the task of pronouncing Kościuszko's name correctly quite aporetic if not altogether impossible. On the other ...
Vlastos’ argument that distinguishes Socrates(E) of the early aporetic dialogues from Socrates(M) of the middle dialogues (which he takes to be representative of Plato’s own views in that period) ...
Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry (2006) and The Philosophy of Early Christianity (2013), and edited Studies on Porphyry (with Anne Sheppard, 2007) and The Aporetic Tradition in ...