The armlet was found by chance. The solid casting and incised repeat pattern are typical of the 'Ornamental Horizon' of the mid-Bronze Age. Its date c.1300 links it to Breton-style bronze axeheads ...
REGARDING armlets on police uniforms (Why uniforms are so informative, Readers' Letters, June 23), when Sir Robert Peel masterminded the Metropolitan Police in 1829, the armlet was integral to the ...
He had never mentioned a word about it.This rare gold Viking armlet is only the second of its kind to be discovered in Britain. It was found among the everyday possessions of a York builder after ...
The drops, which originally formed part of the Indian armlet setting of the controversial Koh-i-Noor, were removed from the Timur Ruby necklace in 1858. The additional four stones were taken from ...
We fell in love with the flowers we designed for our Sunn dress and wanted to create a unique, 3-D armlet that echoes from the dress. The armlets, connected by flowers in the back, changes its ...
Yet, after his death, his Sikh empire collapsed, and the contested, egg-sized Koh-i-Noor diamond, once jealously prized by Singh (who acquired it in 1813, and wore it in his turban or an armlet ...