Graduate assistants are expected to balance their academic workload with the requirements of the assistantship. Failure to remain in good academic standing will result in employment termination.
Appointment to a graduate teaching assistantship is based on the candidate's record as a student, personal qualifications, and writing ability. Renewal of the assistantship is dependent on ...
The new process fulfills three key task force recommendations: Establish uniform definitions of graduate assistantship categories with defined rights and responsibilities. Establish uniform ...
Please review the Standard Administrative Policy and Procedure for Graduate Fellowships and Assistantships. Students awarded an assistantship involving any type of teaching responsibility including ...
GTAs are awarded by the department to students who have demonstrated scholarship and academic promise, and whose education and experience enable them to assist in laboratory instruction and research.
While they share similarities, they have distinct features and purposes. Assistantship: An assistantship typically involves a student working for the university or department in exchange for financial ...
We invite applications for multiple Ph.D. student assistantship in the Flow Physics and Modeling lab at RIT. The students will conduct research in the areas of machine learning aided modeling, ...
Students who hold an assistantship must be enrolled for full-time study as defined by graduate policies, and be making satisfactory progress toward completing their degree. Major funding for graduate ...
This is a 5 hour/week assistantship which provides a half-tuition aid award. The GA will be invited to department staff meetings if schedule permits, and will be invited to all Student Experience ...
Most of the graduate students within the University of Nevada, Reno Geoscience program have a graduate assistantship. Here we outline what is expected of these roles. Students should not be asked to ...
Who is eligible for a GA Position in the MSIS Program? You must be accepted to a graduate program at the University of Nevada, Reno, to be eligible for a graduate assistantship. Further, you must ...
The Graduate Assistantship Program provides a $10,000 per year ($5,000 per semester) stipend for the fall and spring semesters. The stipend is disbursed twice monthly, on the 15th and 30th. Over 90 ...