As space technology gets smaller and less expensive, more and more countries, universities and people can participate. We’ve ...
A novel mathematical technique from the University of Surrey now simplifies space mission planning by mapping efficient ...
The project was done without the benefit of new observations of the sky, but rather by leveraging Google Cloud technology to ...
Traditionally, finding fuel-efficient paths for orbit transition has involved complex computations. Recently, researchers ...
Spacecraft navigators use something called heteroclinic orbits – often called heteroclinic connections – which are paths that ...
"Previously, when the likes of NASA wanted to plot a route, their calculations relied on either brute force or guesswork," Danny Owen, a postgraduate research student in astrodynamics at the ...
The paper is published in the journal Astrodynamics. The new method uses mathematics to reveal all possible routes from one orbit to another without guesswork or using enormous computer power.
This classical problem encompasses various scenarios in astrodynamics, including the motion of the Moon around the Earth affected by the gravitational pull of the Sun. Amidst the turmoil of China's ...