Tests of ground beef purchased at retail stores have been negative for bird flu so far, the U.S. Department of Agriculture ...
The cause for an increased occurrence of symptomatic UTI following treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria is unclear. One possibility is that the relatively nonvirulent organism in asymptomatic ...
Cows largely recover from H5N1, unlike the mass die-offs seen in other species. Some herds with infected cows have also ...
Cattle moving between states were probably asymptomatic, she said, and it may not have always been cows that were spreading ...
Extensive testing of pasteurized commercially purchased milk and other dairy products from 38 states found no evidence of ...
Ralph Baric, the UNC scientist who worked with Wuhan’s top coronavirus researcher, told congressional investigators that he ...
“Despite widespread malignant involvement, the patient was completely asymptomatic and active except for visual disturbances, ...
For select patients with asymptomatic, lower-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia, ending specialized follow-up (sFU) is ...
Four years after a mysterious respiratory virus jumped from animals into humans and launched the COVID pandemic, wary ...
Is it safe to drink milk? Will the virus jump to humans? Answers to questions about bird flu spreading in dairy cattle.
On April 24, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced it would be testing cattle for the virus before allowing them to ...
There is a growing divide between those fortunate enough to keep their teeth, and those whose only option is to have them pulled because they have no insurance.