The impact also caused one of my eyes to cross, which left me with a visual impairment. The most severe injury I had was an ...
This study was published in September in the Journal of Craniovertebral Junction & Spine (JCJS) and is titled “Unilateral atlanto-occipital injury: A case series and detailed radiographic description” ...
Its official medical name is atlanto-occipital dislocation, but it's also called internal decapitation. That was the main injury, but I also tore both of my carotid arteries and both of my ...
A blockage of the atlanto-occipital joint causes unfocused dizziness, which in older people may well be accompanied by unstable gait, and, additionally, often headache and sensations of eye ...
Bullock had been a paramedic for over a decade before the crash. Bullock described her injury as atlantooccipital dislocation, the official term for internal decapitation. The injury is fatal in most ...
The atlanto-occipital joint should be flexed so that the head is at a right angle to the cervical vertebral column. The nose should be elevated off the table such that the median plane of the ...
The foramen magnum can be accessed by bending the neck of the animal and cutting the skin and neck muscles to expose the atlanto-occipital joint. To test the accuracy of an LFD test using straw ...
My family rode motorcycles for many years, and then we got out of it and sold our bikes. A couple of years went by and I got the bug again, so my husband and I bought a motorcycle that we fell in ...