AN essential prerequisite to obtaining predictable growth of algae under laboratory conditions is the establishment of axenic cultures, but this is often extremely difficult to achieve.
Chief executive of SpaceTech company aXenic, Steve Clements, finds that while NETPark has a good reputation in the technology industry, sometimes it is surprising that aXenic is based in the North ...
One fifth of the strains are maintained in pure axenic cultures. The collection also contains cyanobacterial strains isolated from lichen symbiosis and from a variety of habitats in Brazil as part of ...
Buruli ulcer is an emerging human disease associated with watercourses. It is especially prevalent in West African countries, such as Ghana or Benin, but also occurs in parts of Australia.
Innovative Approach: Understand how the bioreactors of our GEA Axenic family and the GEA Kytero single-use separator enhances cell density and productivity. Sustainability Impact: Explore the ...