Need a home remedy for your tooth infection? Try these expert-backed solutions to manage the discomfort while you wait to see ...
"The most common infections caused or exacerbated by non-breathable underwear are yeast infections (such as thrush), ...
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are a growing problem when it comes to combatting infections. Bacteria that have an additional protective layer to their cell walls — a type known as “Gram-negative” in ...
One key characteristic shared by all infectious bacteria is called chemotaxis. Chemotaxis is a versatile process that allows bacteria to swim toward energy-rich molecules, find preferred niches ...
If you thought it would be your grease-laden oven, you’re wrong. Surprisingly, the dishwasher is the dirtiest appliance in ...
One startup has said genetically modified microbe could prevent cavities. Experts, though, have safety concerns.
Tight-fitting clothing and certain types of fabric can trap moisture that allows bacteria to grow in the genital area, which could worsen the infection. Some older research suggests that certain ...
Get rid of Japanese beetles and curb unsightly plant damage using everything from insecticides, beetle-fighting bacteria or a ...
Every year, between 250,000 and 300,000 people in Germany suffer from a stroke or heart attack. These patients suffer immune ...
In summary, a good air purifier can trap and even kill viruses in the air ... So you still can't neglect the usual good hygiene practices for avoiding viruses and bacteria: avoid crowded spaces, ...
Leptospira bacteria can die within minutes in dry heat ... They are eyeing rat birth control and a ban on glue traps as alternatives to poison or a slow, brutal death. A new rule recently went ...