Yesterday, skin-care brand Soft Services launched a new scent of our favorite exfoliating bar soap. It’s made to smell like a ...
Despite a handful of serious medical setbacks, this avid cyclist still sees the good in life. For the most part, families are ...
Another mysterious washed-up item on the beach has confused people this year. In April, surfers in Malaysia stumbled upon a ...
High levels of E. coli were found in uncooked meats and raw dog food sold in U.K. grocery stores, according to research ...
Carroll County commissioners will host a public hearing Thursday morning to allow residents to comment on the possibility of ...
Currently, palladium trades at $945.05 per ounce, as of 9 a.m. ET, compared to gold, which trades at $2,298.31 per ounce.
Dickinson Township Supervisor Jennifer DeGaetano said food processing residual use is "widespread" in the township and ...
Amid the eerie darkness of the permanent nighttime on the gas giant Astrolábos, also known as WASP-43b, turbulent cloud cover ...
“Mentally, the wear and tear on teachers, staff, children, everybody – all of this is just a byproduct of people needing ...
A bacterium called Xylella fastidiosa was first noticed in Italy in 2013. Since then, it has killed tens of millions of olive trees and there is no known cure. With Italy’s annual olive oil harvest ...
Bourbon isn't just a favorite among bar-goers and whiskey enthusiasts; many cooks also love using good bourbon to add a boozy ...
I continued to push through all of the negatives as I worked on developing myself and discovering my “why” I attempted to get ...