The Google Calendar app is making it easier to navigate between the months of the year with its latest UI tweak. The company ...
Rep. Summer Lee’s primary victory over a more moderate Democrat in Pennsylvania this week offered a jolt of momentum for ...
Included in the historic settlement agreement between the Flint Community Schools and United Teachers of Flint, the new ...
The Nevada National Guard broke ground Thursday on its first in-state shooting range in partnership with Metro Police. Nevada ...
A new update to the Google Calendar app on Android makes it much easier to scroll through months using little shortcut ...
It's now easier to schedule events in the far future with Google Calendar on Android's new chips for month navigation ...
“I’m going to be very honest I was angry,” Sarra Brown said. Brown that’s how she felt when she got a call from her ...
When the twins were born, it was just a year and a half after 9/11. Sahm watched the Twin Towers from 35th Street and Madison ...
Employees of Metcalfe Elementary voiced concerns about the implementation of the year-round calendar Tuesday evening.
The Manassas City School Board is considering potential changes to next year’s academic calendar to help give teachers time ...
Preventing dropout: The curriculum and instruction committee proposed an agreement with Communities in Schools, a dropout ...