Coconut oil shouldn't be used to deter pests on your indoor plants or as a way to condition or clean leaves. Instead, use ...
Coconut oil has become very popular in recent years thanks to it having a variety of health benefits. Coconut oil is a good source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which is a type of saturated ...
With its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties, coconut oil is one of the best natural skincare products ...
Oil pulling is a centuries-old technique that's trending on social media for its dental health benefits. Experts explain how ...
Coconut oil is becoming a frequent feature of recipes, but what is this ingredient really all about? Join us as we bust some ...
Often when we talk about healthy oils for cooking purposes, coconut oil is seldom mentioned which contains 'Lauric Acid' that helps in boosting metabolism while supporting heart health.
Coconuts are a tropical fruit that has become increasingly popular in recent years. That’s because health-conscious people ...
Oil pulling is an ancient oral health practice that's popular on social media for its supposed benefits. Experts explain how ...
Sunburns are no fun. The redness, stinging, and discomfort can put a damper on your day. Luckily, Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers natural remedies to soothe sunburns and ...
Daily styling and product usage damage our hair and make them look frizzy, dry, and unnourished. Our hair needs good care to tackle this situation and ...
Tender coconut husk is biodegradable and has extensive uses. But it takes a long time to degrade due to its high moisture ...
This coconut lentil recipe features coconut milk, turmeric, and ginger for a vegetarian curry perfect for serving with rice.