Throughout their writings, Darwin and Wallace both recognized the importance of the coevolutionary process in evolutionary diversification, emphasizing the primacy of species interactions as ...
One UC Riverside scientist has been awarded $1.9 million to decode nematodes’ attack strategies, and combat resistance issues ...
To study how parasites evolve to break the defenses of their hosts, the National Institutes of Health has granted UC ...
The resulting coevolutionary arms race includes sophisticated defenses by hosts and escalating tools of exploitation by parasites. For the parasite, benefits include increased fecundity due to ...
This remarkable adaptation, observed in contrast with the orchid’s diminutive flowers, underscores the intricate ...
As we navigate this cognitive revolution,' Nosta said, 'the opportunity at hand is to become the architects of a future where technology and humanity are not just coexistent but coevolutionary.' ...
Future sustainable phage therapy concepts should fully acknowledge the potential of the coevolutionary aspect of the phage–bacterium couplet. More research is needed to determine the potential ...
An important read for anyone interested in understanding the coevolutionary relationship of environment and society and how human actions transform the environment.’ Daniel Auerbach - University of ...
Additionally, Ailene strives to understand how these complex coevolutionary interactions shape the biological diversity of the natural world by studying the genetics and evolutionary dynamics of ...
Rodríguez‐Gironés, Miguel A. and Santamaría, Luis 2007. Resource Competition, Character Displacement, and the Evolution of Deep Corolla Tubes. The American ...
Duval CT (Eds). Manaaki Whenua Press : Lincoln, Canterbury. 1 - 305. Lyal CHC (1986) Coevolutionary relationships of lice and their hosts: a test of Fahrenholz's Rule. Systematics Association Special ...
“These processes are pretty similar across hosts, which is why we can study coevolutionary arms races between plants and parasitic worms and make inferences about the evolution of worm ...